
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST; President: Kazuhiko Ishimura) and Universal Materials Incubator Co., Ltd. (UMI; Representative Director: Shosuke Kiba) completed a memorandum of understanding related to collaborations and cooperation aimed at creating innovations through the creation and support of venture companies with the goal of generating new industry in the material and chemical fields.
Objectives and background
AIST is working to strengthen startups originating from AIST as part of efforts to enhance the core functions of national innovation ecosystems, based on its 5th term (FY2020~2024) management policies. UMI, a venture capital company specializing in the material and chemical industries, seeks out technology seeds for the creation of new business, provides entrepreneurial support, and conducts investment activities following the startup of new companies. By building these collaborations, it will work to create new industry by leveraging AIST’s research seeds and UMI’s expertise in venture support in the material and chemical fields.
Outline of collaborations
・Business startup support
Share information for the creation of new business between AIST and UMI, and provide knowledge in the creation of new business
・Manpower training
Provide training programs to AIST employees in relation to investment and venture businesses
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Tokyo Headquarters:1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8921 Japan
President and CEO:Kazuhiko Ishimura
Establish:April 1, 2001
AIST is a national R&D organization with 11 research bases in Japan and approximately 2,300 researchers who conduct research in seven fields. As one of the Japan’s largest public research agencies, it focuses its efforts on the creation and practical realization of technologies useful to Japanese industry and society, and on bridging the gap between innovative technological seeds and commercialization.
AIST is also building a global network by, for example, signing memorandums of understanding (MOUs) for comprehensive research cooperation with major research institutes around the world.
Universal Materials Incubator Co., Ltd. (UMI)
Location:1-12-22 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Representative Director: Shosuke Kiba
Establish:October 6, 2015
UMI invests in outstanding new technologies and businesses in the fields of materials and chemicals that form the foundations for future industry, originating from both Japanese companies and academia, based on the vision of “Strengthening Japan’s engineering capabilities and cultivating an industry structure that can compete globally, by fostering outstanding material/chemical companies.”